What we do
In the baseline ranking done under Transformation of Aspirational District Programme, Gaya ranked 54 out of 101 districts - with a score of 35.14%. Quality Education is one of the key components of Niti-Aayog under its flagship Aspirational District Program. The mission of ADP1 includes meeting the SDGs Commitments: Quality Education. Improvement in learning outcome in Language and Math is the measure indicator to meet quality education along with improvements and accessibility of school infrastructure. The ASER Centre Report 2014(an assessment conducted by ASER Centre in 2014 in partnership with Bihar State Government and UNICEF) traced the gaps in learning outcomes in Govt. Primary schools. It clearly indicates the crucial need to strategize interventions which focus on increasing fundamental and foundational - reading, writing arithmetic and reasoning skills
Foundational Learning
Fundamental and Foundational Reasoning, by intervening in Maths and Language for class 1st to 5th.
Sensitization & Capacity Building
To constant engagement SMC, democratic values,
Community Engagement
Liaison with Basic Shiksha Education Department, CRCs, BRCs and SMCs and networking with other NGOs working for the same academic vision in Bihar with the vision of effective impact, assessment and sustainability of the program.

Who we are
Karunodaya is registered as section 8 company, a not-for-profit organisation with a vision to Improving quality of Language Learning at elementary level in Govt. schools, to ensure reading habits, critical thinking & Leadership among children.
We work with government school teachers, education department officials, and the local communities to address these challenges. Our approach is aligned to RTE Act 2009 and NCF 2005. We strive to improve retention and better learning outcomes in government schools through pedagogical interventions that focus on holistic and tangible learning through improved teaching practices and by creating innovative learning environments for children.
Know moreBoard of Advisors

Mr. Sumant Kumar
Jila Sahitya Academy, Gaya, Bihar

Chetan Kapoor
Tech Mahindra Foundation

Mr. Vikas Maniar
APU, Banglore

Poonam Sharma
Mahila Samakhya Foundation





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